surfboard covers, surfboard bags, surfboard bag, surfboard coffins, travel covers

surfboard bags & covers32 Products

Surfboard Bags, Surfboard Covers, Travel Surfboard Coffins - you name it - we have it. From Surfboard Travel bags to Day bags, Single to Multi, Shortboard, Longboard, Retro, Fish and Mini Simmons style surboard bags.... plus of course Coffins. Curve has you covered for everything including Surf, SUP and Bodyboarding.

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Longboard Sling Carrier for surfboards over 7'6 surfboard sling carries surfboards without a surfboard bag  easiest sling to use - no fiddly buckles or straps to get tangled! one step velcro closure, attaches in seconds! 2 handling options - sling handle or shoulder strap excellent ground clearance - sling doesnt...
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Surfboard Sling Carrier - Shortboard up to 7'6 surfboard sling carries surfboards without a bulky / heavy surfboard bag  easiest sling to use - no fiddly buckles or straps to get tangled! one step velcro closure, attaches tight and secure around your board in seconds! 2 handling options - sling handle...
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SUP Sling Carrier provides Stand Up Paddle Boards with an easy carry sling the SUP Sling Carrier fits Stand Up Paddle Boards for easy SUP carry easiest sling to use - no fiddly buckles or straps to get tangled! two step velcro closure, attaches tight around your board in seconds! easy...
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Stand Up Paddle Board Sling / SUP Sling /SUP Board Carrier with Pouch  This Deluxe SUP Sling - webbing style - is designed as a strong, lightweight system to assist when carrying heavy wide boards. Slide the board through the webbing loops, adjust the buckles to the required length, place the...
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